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学费 & 费用

An investment that's worth it!  我们很自豪能成为康涅狄格州一所著名的寄宿学校,为许多学生提供经济援助. Even if you don’t qualify for assistance, 然而, 有几个理由可以考虑让你的儿子接受足球外围竞猜投注的教育. Our students enjoy a comprehensive, modern education in a supportive environment, and our graduates are better positioned to apply to top-tier colleges.

As a parent, you want to give your child every advantage possible. 浏览我们的网站,了解更多关于足球外围竞猜投注教育的价值, 并发现为什么我们是康涅狄格全男生寄宿学校的值得选择, with financial aid or without.

Two boys sitting in chairs on Belin porch.

Affording salisbury school


足球外围竞猜投注认识到,无论是中学还是大学,获得和负担得起是私立学校教育未来的两个最重要的主题. With 索尔斯堡’s mission in mind, 我们认识到提供基于需求的经济援助的巨大价值,包括从1美元到10美元不等的奖励,000 to full tuition support to 37% of our students.



Financial need varies, of course, based on one’s income and assets. As a simple principle, every family makes a financial sacrifice, commitment and investment when their son attends 索尔斯堡 School.

请不要因为学费而犹豫申请足球外围竞猜投注. While there are more applicants for aid than we can support, even with our generous budget, 基于我们的教育负担不起的假设而选择退出招生过程将是一个错误. We look forward to partnering with you in the admissions process.

2024-2025 学费 and 费用

学费 and 费用                                     
学费 $72,900 $49,950
一般费用 750.00 600.00
技术费 550.00 350.00
Textbook Deposit 350.00 350.00
*学费 Refund Plan       1,632.40*                  1,119.80*
  $76,182.40 $52,369.80

登机 $72,900


Financial Aid Award $38,500

The 一般费用 funds costs associated with the Health Center, 实验室, 工作室, 活动, and publications. 技术费为每个学生提供互联网和网络接入, an e-mail account and use of all on-campus technology services. 教科书保证金包括每个家庭在学年期间为教科书和其他课程材料所支付的平均费用. 存款金额以上或以下的金额将通过学生的Sarum卡帐户余额进行调整. 在学习中心的辅导费用是额外收费,将单独收费.

The payments outlined above are in addition to the $1,000 Escrow Deposit that is paid upon the acceptance of admission. 这笔保证金由学校持有,扣除最终费用后将退还, 如果有任何, upon graduation or separation.
Incidental Charges: All incidental charges including athletic equipment, 运输, and testing fees (P坐, 坐, 等.)将透过“Sarum卡”的预付扣帐卡系统办理。. 学生将不允许在他们的帐户上购物,除非保持信用余额.

*在7月1日之前未支付全年学杂费(包括以前收费的未付余额)的学生需要申请学费退还计划, 2024. This includes any Payment Plan participants. The charge for this plan is 2.2% of the net tuition and fees.



director of financial aid

请联系 汤姆亚特 with questions at 860-435-5819.